The Winner Takes It All    原唱者:ABBA樂團
I don't wanna talk  我不想談
About the things we've gone through  關於我曾經發生的事
Though it's hurting me  儘管那傷害了我
Now it's history  但都已成了歷史
I've played all my cards  我已經打出了所有的牌
And that's what you've done too  你也一樣
Nothing more to say  再也無話可說
No more ace to play  再也沒有好牌了
The winner takes it all  贏家通吃
The loser standing small beside the victory  輸家卑微的站在勝利旁邊
That's her destiny  那就是她的命運
I was in your arms  我曾在你臂彎中
Thinking I belonged there  想像自己屬於那裡
I figured it made sense  我摩想著
Building me a fence  為我築起一道籬
Building me a home  為我築成一個家
Thinking I'd be strong there  以為在那裡我會很堅強
But I was a fool  但我好傻
Playing by the rules  一切都照規矩玩
The gods may throw a dice  眾神好像在擲骰子
Their minds as cold as ice  他們的心卻是冷冰冰
And someone way down here  凡間的某人
Loses someone dear  因而失去了心愛的人
The winner takes it all  勝者拿走一切
The loser has to fall  輸家一敗塗地
It's simple and it's plain  那是理所當然
Why should I complain  我能抱怨什麼
But tell me does she kiss  但是,告訴我她吻你的時候
Like I used to kiss you?  像我吻你一樣嗎?
Does it feel the same  感覺相同嗎?
When she calls your name?  當她呼喚你名字的時候
Somewhere deep inside  在內心深處
You must know I miss you  你一定知道我很想你
But what can I say  但我還能說什麼
Rules must be obeyed  遊戲規則必須遵守
The judges will decide  勝負即將宣判
The likes of me abide  我得服從判決
Spectators of the show  看表演的觀眾
Always staying low  總是保持冷靜
The game is on again  遊戲再度登場
A lover or a friend  是愛人還是朋友
A big thing or a small  是大或是小
The winner takes it all  贏家通吃,勝者為王
I don't wanna talk  我不想再談
If it makes you feel sad  如果那使你感到悲傷
And I understand  而我明白
You've come to shake my hand  你會前來和我握手
I apologize  我向你道歉
If it makes you feel bad  如果那使你難受
Seeing me so tense  看到我如此緊張
No self-confidence  缺乏自信
But you see  但你可以看到
The winner takes it all  贏家通吃
The winner takes it all...  勝者為王
--- 這是媽媽咪呀裡面我最喜歡的兩首歌之一,另一首歌是輕快的Mamma Mia。這首歌淡淡的哀傷中帶著對對方深深的愛,也許是有唱到我的內心深處吧,聽了我都快要哭出來了!---

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